What is



A short period where scrum teams work without interruptions at significantly increased levels of productivity. During this time, distractions are minimal, and all the hands are brought to focus on the task at hand.

What is a Sprint?

Sprint is a term used in the Scrum framework of agile project management. It is a time-boxed period during which specific tasks are completed and made ready for review. A sprint typically lasts between two and four weeks and is repeated until the project is completed.

How does it work?

During a sprint, the team works to complete tasks that are prioritized and planned by the product owner. At the end of a sprint, the team will review the tasks that were completed and look for ways to improve for the next sprint. By repeating this process, teams can quickly complete projects and continuously improve their work. The scrum master manages sprints.

Tips for a good sprint

Here are a few tips for making your sprint as productive and successful as possible: 

  • Structure your sprint planning so that everyone has a clear understanding of the goals and timeline. 
  • Set clear SMART goals for your sprint and groom your sprint backlog.
  • Keep the team focused on the goal and goal-related activities during the sprint.
  • Leverage automation for reminders or for when tasks are done.
  • Review and learn from the learnings from the sprint. 
  • Document your sprint.

What are the benefits of a Sprint?
  • Gives teams a sense of urgency and focus to develop solutions.
  • Helps teams make rapid progress and increase productivity and efficiency.
  • Allows teams to adjust their approach if necessary quickly.