What is

Scrum Meeting


A meeting to discuss the team's accomplishments, agenda, and roadblocks. These meetings help divide tasks into smaller segments and are typically short in length.

What is a Scrum Meeting?

A scrum meeting is an agile methodology used to manage projects and tasks. It is designed to be an effective way for teams to plan, coordinate, and collaborate on their work. It is the most popular agile framework, with over 56% of companies currently using Scrum.

All team members involved in the project or sprint attend the scrum meeting remotely. It takes place online. The scrum master and product owner tend to lead these meetings. 

The scrum meeting is a check-in where all team members can hear where an item is in the sprint backlog or how close they are to a sprint goal. It is a type of stand-up meeting. The goal of a scrum meeting is to keep a team accountable and in sync – to keep their work synchronized. Scrum masters don’t typically take notes.

Team members usually answer these questions during a sprint:

  • What tasks did you work on or finish yesterday?
  • What will you prioritize today?
  • Are there any bottlenecks?
How does it work?

Scrum meetings occur daily during a sprint. They are held at the beginning of a workday, like a stand-up meeting. They are short and focused, lasting no longer than 15 minutes. Scrum Master usually organizes them. Scrum is typically used by development teams.

What are the benefits?

The main benefits are, but are not limited to:

  • Allows for quick problem-solving and increases team collaboration.
  • Produces better quality work and results.
  • Enhances team accountability and boosts productivity.
  • Facilitates better communication among team members.

How to run a Scrum Meeting?
  1. Set a goal for the meeting and start on time.
  2. Ensure that everyone is aware of their tasks and roles.
  3. Encourage everyone to speak up and be an active participant.
  4. Keep the meeting focused and use the time wisely.

Learn more about scrum, and how to be a scrum master.
Other Borderless resources you may find useful:
How to Run Meetings with a Remote Team