What is

Full-time Hours


Full-time hours are usually indicated by labor codes as standard working hours. Typically, this is about 40 hours per week over five days. Some countries have slightly shorter or longer full-time hours.

Full-time hours are the hours an employee works in a standard workweek. In many countries worldwide, the minimum and maximum amount of full-time hours are legally mandated, meaning that employers must comply. They’re typically set at about 35-40 hours per week, however, and vary considerably depending on where in the world you’re based. 

For example, in Canada, standard full-time hours are 40 hours a week. Whereas in some areas of India, for instance, full-time hours are set at 48 hours per week. So, full-time hours can vary considerably. 

The Impact of Excessive Full-Time Hours

Long standard full-time work hours can have profound effects on employee well-being.  

Work-Life Imbalance
Long work hours have a notable impact on employees' leisuretime. They end up stuck in a constant work cycle, with little time for relaxation, hobbies, or spending quality moments with loved ones. This imbalance is a vicious cycle. It leads to more stress and takes a hit on employee well-being. 

Health Issues

Long work hours take a toll on physical and mental health. The constant grind leads to higher stress and increased health risks like heart disease and obesity. Mental health can also suffer. Excessive hours have been proven to contribute to anxiety, depression, and other stress-related problems.

Reduced Productivity

Ironically, working excessively long hours may backfire on productivity. As fatigue sets in, cognitive abilities decline, and decision-making becomes impaired. The result? A less efficient and less effective workforce.

Gender Imbalance
Long work hours can negatively impact workforce diversity and gender equality. Women in countries worldwide find it challenging to juggle work and family responsibilities. This can lead to a gender gap in the workforce and hinder progress towards more inclusive workplaces.

Family Life Can Suffer
Extended work hours also affect family life. Strained relationships and absentee parenting are common pitfalls as employees struggle to find time for their loved ones. This not only impacts the employee but also the well-being and development of their family members.

Community Engagement

Long hours leave employees with little time for social activities and community involvement. This can negatively impact community cohesion and social relationships, leading to a less engaged and connected society.

Impact on Employee Morale
Long work hours can take a toll on employee morale. With lower job satisfaction and commitment, companies may face higher turnover rates and need help to retain talented individuals.

Economic and Labor Market Impact
Extended work hours may limit job creation and reduce opportunities for flexible work arrangements. This can hinder certain population segments, such as students, parents, and seniors, from entering or rejoining the workforce.

Creativity and Innovation
Last but not least, overworked employees are less likely to bring their A-game regarding creativity and innovation. Exhaustion hampers the ability to think outside the box, stifling the growth and development of businesses and economies.

The Way Forward

To tackle these challenges, countries worldwide need to place a greater emphasis on work-life balance. By implementing policies for reasonable working hours and flexible work arrangements, employers can invest in employees' well-being and productivity. Striking the right balance between work and personal life is a must.