What is

Flex Time


When an employee doesn't have a set schedule. They work when they are most productive or when it is most convenient for them. Read the full definition.

Flextime, or flexible time, is a work arrangement that allows employees to choose when they start and end their workday. Some companies may require employees to be in the office during specific hours for customer needs and collaboration.

In flextime, employees usually need to work a certain number of hours within a defined period, like 40 hours per week. Some companies focus more on completing the work within a timeframe rather than strict hours.

This arrangement is best for individual-focused tasks or when technology allows for flexible collaboration. It's often offered to salaried employees exempt from certain labor laws.

The Benefits of Flextime

Flextime has many benefits for both employees and employers. Here's a closer look at these advantages:

  • Improved Work-Life Balance: Employees can move their work hours around to fit personal commitments. This flexibility helps create a healthier balance between work and life, leading to less stress. 
  • Enhanced Productivity: With flextime, employees can work when they're most productive, boosting efficiency and output.
  • Employee Retention: Offering flextime shows that the company cares about employee well-being, reducing turnover and saving on hiring costs.
  • Cost-Effective: Flextime is a more budget-friendly option for employers than raises or promotions.
  • Attracts Top Talent: Job seekers value work-life balance and flexibility, making flextime an attractive benefit.
  • Reduced Absenteeism: Flextime allows employees to adapt to their schedules, decreasing unscheduled time off.
  • Employee Well-Being: Flextime reduces stress and burnout, promoting overall employee health and happiness.
  • Diversity and Inclusion: Flextime accommodates different needs, fostering a more inclusive workplace.

Overall, flextime creates a happier and more productive work environment, benefiting both employees and employers alike.