What is

Employee Orientation


Employee orientation is the process by which companies introduce new employees to the organization’s values, processes & operations. Read the full definition.

Employee orientation, or onboarding, helps new employees settle into their new workplace and role. It involves introducing them to the company's culture, policies, and procedures, as well as their specific position and associated responsibilities. The goal is ensuring new employees feel welcomed, informed, and prepared to contribute effectively.

The Objectives of Employee Orientation

  • Introducing the company: New employees learn about the organization's mission, values, history, and goals, gaining a deeper understanding of its purpose.
  • Familiarize with policies and procedures: New hires receive information about important guidelines and rules, ensuring they understand and comply with company expectations.
  • Educating on roles and responsibilities: New employees get a clear understanding of their specific roles, reporting structure, team members, and how their work contributes to overall goals.
  • Providing support during onboarding: New hires receive resources, training, technology access, and guidance to succeed in their roles. They may also be assigned a mentor or buddy for support.
  • Integrating into company culture: New employees meet colleagues, departments, and stakeholders, fostering relationships and a sense of belonging.

Effective employee orientation sets a positive tone, helps new hires transition smoothly, and lays the foundation for their success and engagement. It ensures they feel supported, informed, and ready to contribute their best.