What is



Crimes that are performed online, for example, digital credit card fraud or online identity theft.

Learn what cybercrime is and how you and your organization can prevent it

What is cybercrime? 

The term can have a wide range of applications. 

Cybercrime is any criminal activity conducted through or targeting computer networks and digital devices, usually involving the Internet. 

Cybercrimes can involve unauthorized access to computer systems, data theft, computer network disruption, or any other illegal activities conducted through digital technology. 

Cybercriminals use several techniques and tools for underhanded online behaviour, taking advantage of vulnerable computer networks or exploiting unaware users or organizations.

What are the Different Types of Cybercrime? 

Types of cybercrime can include:

  • Hacking: Unauthorized access to computer systems, networks, or websites to steal data or cause damage.
  • Malware Attacks: Distributing malicious software, such as viruses, worms, Trojans, ransomware, etc., to infect and compromise computers or networks.
  • Phishing: Attempting to deceive individuals into providing sensitive information, such as login credentials or financial details, through fraudulent emails or websites.
  • Identity Theft: Stealing personal information, such as social security numbers, credit card details, or bank account information, to commit fraud or other crimes.
  • Cyberstalking and Harassment: Using digital communication channels to harass, intimidate, or threaten individuals.
  • Denial of Service (DoS) and Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) Attacks: Overloading a target's computer system or network to disrupt its services and make it inaccessible to legitimate users.
  • Data Breaches: Unauthorized access and exposure of sensitive data, often affecting individuals or organizations.
  • Online Fraud: Deceptive practices, such as online auctions or shopping scams, where individuals are tricked into making payments for non-existent goods or services.
  • Cyber Spying: Stealing sensitive information from government agencies, businesses, or other organizations for political, economic, or competitive advantages.
  • Child Exploitation: Involves distributing, possessing, or creating explicit materials involving minors.

Digital crimes of these types are tricky to prosecute for legacy law enforcement agencies and cybersecurity professionals due to the borderless nature of the internet. 

Because of this, it’s easier for cybercriminals to operate across jurisdictions. Preventing cybercrime calls for a few different strategies combined:

  • Sufficient cybersecurity measures
  • Public awareness and education
  • International cooperation to track down and prosecute those responsible.

Have your team stay informed about the latest cybersecurity best practices to protect themselves from falling victim to cybercrime. This may look like a cybersecurity brochure that they must read as part of their onboarding process and consult periodically throughout the year. 

How Can Borderless Help?

Managing a remote team is tough. At Borderless, we understand the ins and outs of global employment, including less-obvious topics like cutoff dates. We’re here to ensure you understand how cutoff dates impact both your payroll responsibilities as an employer and your legal compliance requirements.   

In over 150 countries, we can help you understand the different work cultures worldwide and act as your guide through your employees’ full tenure with your company. 

Book a demo today to find out how we can help.