What is

Cloud Storage


Cloud is a virtual system that stores data. When you use the cloud, you send data to a data center which can be local or remote. Read the full definition here.

By 2025, the world is expected to generate 181 zettabytes of data — about 150% more than in 2023. All this data represents invaluable assets for organizations, providing companies with crucial insights into both external and internal operations. 

As the amount of data we produce grows, there are rising concerns about proper and secure data storage. Amid this, cloud storage systems have become increasingly popular. 

Cloud storage has revolutionized how people manage their data from storage to access and sharing. Companies around the globe are embracing both public and private cloud storage to expand their data management and processing capacity. Managing your data on a cloud helps protect it, ensures access, and facilitates analyses. 

What Is Cloud Storage?

Cloud storage is a service whereby users can store their data on remote servers via the Internet. This is in contrast to relying on physical storage devices like hard drives or USBs. 

Users can easily access data stored on a cloud as long as they have an Internet connection and a compatible device. Meanwhile, cloud service providers ensure security and help organizations reduce the costs associated with data storage. 

How Does Cloud Storage Work?

Unless you have private servers, you will typically purchase cloud storage from a cloud service provider. The company will use a network of servers to operate cloud storage. From an end-user perspective, all you need to do is upload your data and then connect to the platform to retrieve it. However, a lot is happening in the background. 

Cloud service providers use data centers to store data. These are often found in remote locations due to favorable conditions like cooler temperatures and cheaper property prices. They will also typically distribute your data across multiple servers to create what’s called redundancy. This will prevent data losses in case a server in one location goes down. 

When you want to access your stored data, you simply log into the platform via the Internet. Your device will send a request to the cloud server, which will then send back the requested information to your device. 

With a fast enough Internet connection, this process is completely seamless. So, for you, it’s as if the data were stored locally on your device. 

Popular Cloud Storage Providers

There are hundreds of cloud storage services out there, although there is a handful of tech giants that dominate the cloud storage market. That’s because they have access to the space and initial investment funds required to set up large data centers. 

  • Google Drive: It’s likely that you already use Google Drive with your email account. Google is one of the largest cloud service providers on the market today. Google’s cloud is fully integrated with the tech giant’s entire suite of services, making it a go-to for global teams. 
  • Dropbox: Dropbox is another popular tool that has been around for some time. It’s easy to use for both individuals and companies thanks to its friendly interface. This helps file sharing across organizations. 
  • Microsoft OneDrive: Microsoft Office continues to dominate the market in terms of tools for writing and presentations. If you’d like a cloud that integrates directly with the Office Suite, then OneDrive is your go-to option.
  • Apple iCloud: iCloud is primarily geared toward Apple users. It works perfectly for companies that rely on Mac computers and iPhones. 

Advantages of Cloud Storage

Cloud storage has completely changed the way people and organizations share and access data. You no longer need to wait for your colleagues to respond to your email to access the information you need right away. Plus, cloud storage platforms secure data in a way that most individual organizations can’t. 

Teams have become increasingly distributed with the rise of remote work. As such, being able to access data from anywhere is a critical advantage that cloud storage offers companies. 

Now, employees at home and in the office can have access to the exact same resources as long as they have an Internet connection. You can even access files on the go. 

Data Synchronization
Another benefit of cloud storage is automatic synchronization. You no longer need to worry whether you are working on the latest version of a file or not. That’s because documents stored on a cloud automatically save changes as long as your device is connected to the Internet. 

Of course, most services also offer offline work modes, which then sync to the cloud once you go online.

Data Backup and Recovery
It can be catastrophic for an organization to lose critical data. Imagine if you stored important customer information and your local storage broke down. With cloud storage, you generally don’t need to worry about this happening. 

Most cloud service providers work in redundancy measures when offering cloud storage services. They duplicate your data for disaster recovery, so if there is any damage to the main server, there are copies available. 

Storing data can get expensive. You need robust hardware and sufficient space to store lots of information. With cloud storage, you can scale on your own terms. You don’t need to buy into large cloud storage capacity right away. Instead, you can grow your subscription as needed. 

At the same time, users don’t need to worry about hardware upgrades or maintenance. 

With cloud storage, you don’t need to invest in expensive hardware for physical storage devices. The cloud service provider bears the upfront costs. It then “rents” its equipment to you, the end user. 

Typically, you pay for a subscription and only for as much storage as you need. As your company grows, you can scale up your cloud storage usage in accordance with business needs. 

Cloud storage facilitates effortless collaboration among team members and users. Multiple people can access and edit files simultaneously, streamlining workflow and enhancing productivity.

This is particularly important for distributed teams that work across multiple time zones. Cloud storage enables asynchronous communication among staff members without worrying about double work or waiting on responses. 

Cloud Storage as a Crucial Tool for Global Teams 

Cloud storage plays a vital role for global teams, addressing many of the challenges that arise on distributed teams. With cloud storage, team members from different locations can easily access and collaborate on shared files, fostering seamless teamwork and eliminating geographical barriers. 

The automatic synchronization feature ensures that everyone has the latest version of files, promoting consistency and efficiency in the team's work. The integration with collaboration tools streamlines workflow and enhances productivity, enabling teams to focus on their goals and achieve success despite physical distances.

The flexibility of cloud storage accommodates teams working in different time zones, enabling continuous progress and 24/7 accessibility to critical data. It simplifies file sharing, making it hassle-free and swift, while also offering version control and file history to track changes and manage revisions efficiently. 

Cloud storage also prioritizes data security and redundancy, safeguarding the team's valuable information from potential threats. Plus, cloud storage ensures that data is recoverable in the event of unexpected disruptions.

On top of its collaboration advantages, cloud storage offers global teams much-needed scalability and cost-effectiveness. They can easily adjust storage capacities based on their evolving needs without significant upfront investments. 

Manage Your Global, Distributed Team with Borderless 

Managing a global, remote team can be a challenge. At Borderless, we are experts in international employment. We help you understand the different work cultures across the globe and support you along the entire employee lifecycle in over 170 countries. 

Book a demo today to find out how we can help.