What is

Agile Project Management


Agile is an approach to project management stemming from software development. It focuses on tight deadlines and constant improvement. Read the full definition.

Today’s business landscape moves very quickly. As such, organizations need the ability to adapt to changes through their project management methodologies rapidly. These fast changes must deliver efficient results without sacrificing quality. 

In response to the market’s fast pace, agile project management has emerged as a go-to approach for many companies. The model prioritizes collaboration, adaptability, and customer satisfaction. Teams that embrace agile can easily navigate complex projects, quickly deliver value, and effectively respond to user feedback. 

Understanding Agile Project Management

Agile project management is an iterative and incremental methodology that emphasizes flexibility, continuous improvement, and close collaboration among team members. Unlike traditional methodologies, agile promotes adaptability, early delivery, and ongoing feedback from end users.

The agile manifesto emerged in the late 1990s as a response to the more rigid methodologies like the Waterfall Method. By the early 2000s, software developers began widely adopting the approach, introducing new models that entire enterprises could implement. 

Today, agile is popular beyond the tech industry. For example, marketing, healthcare, and construction often use agile project management in their work. In this modern context, several hybrid methodologies combine agile with lean project management and DevOps. 

What Agile Means for Teams 

Is your team looking to adopt an agile approach to projects? Some tools and platforms can help you take advantage of this methodology. They can also combine their existing development process with agile. They can work in agile concepts to add flexibility and an iterative mindset. 

That said, there are six important aspects of the agile framework to remember during implementation. These are crucial to understanding how agile can benefit your team and projects. 

  1. Iterative approach: Agile projects work in iterations or sprints, each with a specific duration. During each iteration, the team develops a potentially shippable product. Then, each stage receives feedback and informs adjustments. 
  2. Cross-functional teams: Agile teams organize themselves according to the project needs. Members from different disciplines collaborate closely throughout the project. Such diversity enables knowledge sharing and faster decision-making. 
  3. Flexibility and adaptability: Teams that use an agile approach can quickly respond to changing requirements, priorities, and market conditions. They flexibly adjust their plans and deliverables without disrupting the project's progress.
  4. Customer collaboration: Agile prioritizes customer and stakeholder feedback throughout the project lifecycle. Regular feedback and communication ensure that the final product meets their needs and expectations.
  5. Adaptive planning: Agile projects focus on adaptability rather than extensive planning before starting the project. The team continuously reviews and adjusts each iteration, quickly responding to changes. 
  6. Continuous improvement: Crucially, teams focus on ongoing improvement through regular retrospectives. These help project members identify areas for improvement and implement changes for better performance. Teams are always learning and adapting their processes and practices. 

Benefits of Agile Project Management

There are several advantages to using an agile project management methodology. It offers flexibility and adaptability while taking into account constant customer feedback. 

Having primarily started as a software development approach, agile is now popular in many industries. For example, healthcare and construction have embraced agile for its various benefits to the project lifecycle. 

Flexible Iterations

Agile project management helps teams quickly respond to changing requirements, emerging risks, and market demands. This flexibility ensures that projects stay on track and deliver value even in dynamic environments.

As market demands change, your team can respond in no time. Plus, they can ensure that there is still a value-added product on the market while performing these iterations.

Faster Time-to-Market

Teams deliver work in increments with each iteration. This enables early and frequent releases that can then be tested. This allows you to perfect your products through customer feedback rather than assumptions.

At the same time, faster delivery offers organizations a competitive advantage thanks to quick time-to-market. If your competitors take longer to release products, then you will already gain brand recognition. First-mover advantage is a key leg up on your competition.

Enhanced Customer Satisfaction

Customers are part of the design process at every step of the project. Their feedback informs changes and sets expectations. The iterations help teams ensure they properly incorporate customer feedback at every delivery stage.

The result is a product that speaks directly to the needs of end users. With customer experience and satisfaction critical for success in today's competitive market, agile helps you deliver better results.

Improved Team Collaboration

Agile methodologies foster collaboration and communication among team members, breaking down silos and encouraging cross-functional teamwork. This collaborative environment enhances knowledge sharing, creativity, and problem-solving capabilities.

It also ensures that your team members get the support they need and trust due to improved communication. Not only does your team deliver a better product, but it also does so while working in harmony. This is crucial for retaining your best employees and attracting top global talent. 

Manage Your Global Team with Borderless 

New tools can be challenging to implement across a global team. At Borderless, we are experts in international employment. We help you understand the different work cultures across the globe and support you along the entire employee lifecycle in over 170 countries. 

Book a demo today to find out how we can help.